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Social Consciousness Pedagogy

Social Consciousness Pedagogy

ISBN: 978-1-947352-90-2


The book is a form of translation research whereby the Author translated information known to the scientific community as pier reviewed publication, into laymen's language. The book elucidates concepts of reality, Theory of Mind, parenting children and adolescents, talks about Mind Money(R) and how this can encourage communication between commercial globalizers (i.e., people who focus on making money from goods and services) and the social globalizers (i.e., a group who's focus is on quality of life). Novel concepts about help addiction and abused women are presented in laymen's language. The well-known spiritual/religious serenity prayer


God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change . . .


Has been humanized into a human Social Wisdom (hSW) statement (not a prayer)


Mind, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change . . .


A novel concept about a person's personal reality resulted in creating the word preality, which means personal reality. The book was written for curious minds.


Publication date: April 30, 2021

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