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Image by Hal Gatewood


Students Teaching Students

The Neuroscience Sensory Unit consists of students who study and analyze neuroscience literature. The students work on publications that serve to explain complicated neuroscience processes, making current literature more understandable. Our publications have been used and are intended to be used for students, aspiring scientists, introductory neuroscience courses, as well as anyone simply interested in learning about the brain and sensory physiology.

About: About Us


Working with Dr. Pidgeon these past four years has been a formative experience that has taught me to think critically, write effectively, and lead a team. Through the Neuroscience Sensory Unit, I have been able to develop skills that have helped me navigate outside of a typical high school environment and become a stronger thinker and scholar.

Sehej Bindra

Being a part of this group has many novel benefits. Dr. Pidgeon requires us to learn the content rather than just pass a test (like in school). He emphazizes to us that we are allowed to fail and no question we ask is considered dumb. One of the main benefits of this group is to provide a learning environment where everyone is included, involved, and no one is judged. There is a very productive and happy environment created by Dr. Pidgeon in every session.

Sara Karnik

I really enjoy being a part of a group this hardworking and interested in neuroscience! Being able to help write a book was a new experience for me but it feels great to have done it.

Ria Verma

Being a part of the Neuroscience Sensory Unit is an incredible experience and opens many new doors for me. This has taught me a wealth of indispensable neuroscience knowledge, valuable skills, like thinking outside the box, and has even given me the opportunity to contribute to literature and have it published under my name. With this group, I am accomplishing things that I have never imagined I could achieve in high school. I thoroughly enjoy working with a wonderful instructor and a group of like-minded individuals in the Neuroscience Sensory Unit, and I’m so excited to continue my journey with this team.

Janani Rajan

Being a part of the Neuroscience Sensory Unit helps me expand my thoughts and look at science from a different perspective. I have learned and achieved more accomplishments than I thought I would in the past few months. I would definitely recommend anyone who has a sense of humor, wants to increase their study skills, and has a passion for learning and science to join!

Ishita Jha

At the largest level, the Neuroscience Sensory Unit provided the opportunity to dive into a sensory modality at a depth that isn’t available in typical courses at University and create and design a work of my own along with the help of Charles Pidgeon to stand for it. However, the physical product won’t be the best to come out of being a part of the Neuroscience Sensory Unit. Deeper in, by creating the book, I gained invaluable experience in persevering through researching, learning, and communicating a relatively new and constantly developing area of neuroscience. Overall, I gained both personal as well as academic experience, which has allowed me an unparalleled opportunity.

Matthew Trotter

Through working as a part of the Neuroscience Sensory Unit I learned about the science behind hearing and vision in great detail and became able to appreciate their intricacies. The group’s weekly meetings served as a great way for all of us to learn together while working on a book as a culmination of our progress. Additionally, being a part of the group helped me gain valuable skills such as being able to understand cutting-edge research and discuss them in detail with my peers.

Yash Gupta

Working with the Neuroscience Sensory Unit has not only broadened my knowledge of the human body, but has also taught me how to approach complex problems. Being in this group has been integral to my development as a student and a person.

Keshav Ratra

About: Testimonials
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